Answer to Complaint or Supplemental Complaint Regarding Parental Obligations (Governmental)
Answer to Complaint or Supplemental Complaint Regarding Parental Obligations (Governmental)
Clerk Calendar Cover Sheet (For Court Clerk Use Only)
Clerk Calendar Cover Sheet (For Court Clerk Use Only)
Summons and Complaint or Supplemental Complaint Regarding Parental Obligations
Summons and Complaint or Supplemental Complaint Regarding Parental Obligations
Support Order – Family Law Legal Document
Order of the Court to pay child support, alimony, spousal support, or some other type of family maintenance. The child support order is a document from a court that states when, how often, and how much a parent is to pay for child support. The support order is usually incident to an action for divorce, legal separation or paternity, and is generally paid on a monthly basis.
NY Notary Public All-Purpose Acknowledgement Certificate
Notice of Motion – Extension or Modification of Order of Protection
Notice of Motion–Extension or Modification of Order of Protection
Information Sheet for Request for Judicial Determination of Support Arrearages or Adjustment of Arrearages Due to Incarceration or Involuntary Institutionalization (Governmental) (Spanish)
Information Sheet for Request for Judicial Determination of Support Arrearages or Adjustment of Arrearages Due to Incarceration or Involuntary Institutionalization (Governmental) (Spanish)
Information Sheet for Request for Judicial Determination of Support Arrearages or Adjustment of Arrearages Due to Incarceration or Involuntary Institutionalization (Governmental)
Information Sheet for Request for Judicial Determination of Support Arrearages or Adjustment of Arrearages Due to Incarceration or Involuntary Institutionalization (Governmental)
JDF 1403I Instructions to File Motion to Modify Child Support
JDF 1403I Instructions to File Motion to Modify Child Support
JDF 1404 Stipulation Regarding Child Support Modification
JDF 1404 Stipulation Regarding Child Support Modification
JDF 1418I Instructions to File a Motion Concerning Parenting Time Disputes
JDF 1418I Instructions to File a Motion Concerning Parenting Time Disputes
Advisement and Waiver of Rights for Stipulation (Governmental)(Spanish)
Advisement and Waiver of Rights for Stipulation (Governmental)(Spanish)
Advisement and Waiver of Rights for Stipulation (Governmental)
Advisement and Waiver of Rights for Stipulation (Governmental)
Declaration for Amended Proposed Judgment (Governmental)
Declaration for Amended Proposed Judgment (Governmental)