Product Tag: Evidence

Motion for Brady letter, or exculpatory evidence. Exculpatory evidence is evidence in favor of the defendant. Evidence typically can lead to the exoneration of the defendant.

Motion to suppress search and seizure on regards evidence pertained towards the search was obtained illegally and unwarranted.

Motion to suppress questions to the expert who preformed the blood draw related to the case.

Motion by Defendant to exclude Plaintiffs from offering evidence founded upon inadmissible evidence under inadmissible evidence. In the past, the Plaintiff, their counsel, and their witnesses have frequently made references.

Motion in Limine to Exclude Alleged Other Acts Evidence

A motion filed to suppress evidence found in a car

Document includes a motion to exclude or prevent specific evidence from being presented.

Motion to suppress DUI breathalyzer results due to fraudulent certification, or lack of certification.

Document requesting all fingerprint analysis that had been analyzed. and those currently being analyzed to be log in as evidence in Court.

Document entails motion for discovery of new evidence regarding expanded DNA results obtained.

Motion for Discovery DNA and Laboratory Scientific Evidence - DUI Case File

Motion for discovery in regards to fingerprint evidence to be used in trial. A DWI, DUI, or OUI arrest means you're caught driving a vehicle while “under the influence” of alcohol or drugs. ... You can still get a DWI if you're pulled over for some reason other than erratic driving, by the way. As…

Motion to enter toxicology reports into evidence relevant to use in trial.

Motion to quash and transverse search warrant. This results in suppressing all evidence and all fruits thereof related.

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