
Showing 76–90 of 103 results

  • Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

    Motion To Suppress Evidence Seized From Laptop Computer And The Fruits Of Such Evidence

    Sold By : Clever Legal

    Motion to suppress any and all evidence of any other proceeding and all fruits seized from a laptop computer, and suppress their reference and relevance in a trial.

  • Criminal Defense Legal Docs

    Motions for Sanctions – Forensics DNA

    Motion for sanctions or penalties when proper conduct occurs in trial.

  • Criminal Defense Legal Documents

    Motions To Dismiss Pursuant To CrRLJ 8.3(B) And Due To Spoliation Of Evidence

    Motions to dismiss of charges pursuant to CrRLJ 8.3(B) and due to spoliation of evidence.

  • Police - Vector Icon

    Motions to Vacate Convictions and Grant New Trial – Forensics

    Motion to vacate convictions and grant defendant a new trial due to sentencing obtained in violation of the Due Process Clause resulting in wrongful convictions.

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    NIT Motion and Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss Pornography Case

    NIT Motion and Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss – Child Pornography Case

    A document that cites (refers to) legal authorities such as statutes and court cases, and explains how those authorities support the position advocated by the party who wrote the memorandum. Filed motion to suppress the evidence seized during the search of the computer, including the information revealed by the use of the NIT.

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    NIT Motion to Suppress Evidence, Evidentiary Hearing in a Pornography Case

    NIT Motion to Suppress Evidence, Evidentiary Hearing in a Child Pornography Case

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

    Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email:

  • Police - Vector Icon

    Notice and Motion For Release Of Court Funds For Expert Assistance

    Motion to request the State to help supply funds for Defense expert witness.

  • Criminal Defense Legal Docs

    Notice Of Objection And Motion To Quash Subpoena Duces Tecum; Points And Authorities

    Motion to quash subpoena occurs to protect or provide guidance on documents that can potential be used in trial. For example, therapist notes, DNA laboratory testing, etc.

  • Criminal Defense Attorney Documents

    Notice Regarding In-Person Testimony Relating to Laboratory Analysis and Other Scientific Testing

    Document entails information stating any employee or technician to review evidence that can be introduced in trial must testify as well. – Criminal Defense Legal Document

  • Criminal Defense Legal Documents

    Opposition to Defendants’ Motion to Exclude Plaintiff’s Expert From Offering Opinions or Evidence

    Sold By : Lorraine Evans

    Opposition to Defendants’ Motion to Exclude Plaintiff’s Expert From Offering Opinions or Evidence

  • Criminal Defense Legal Documents Download

    Order for Expungement of DNA Profiles and Samples (Pen. Code, § 299)

    Order for Expungement of DNA Profiles and Samples (Pen. Code, § 299)

  • Family Icon

    Order for Genetic Paternity Testing

    DNA paternity testing is solely performed on decision of a judge in case of a judiciary procedure in order either to establish or contest paternity or to obtain or deny child support. A court order can result in an agreed order or a paternity petition. To satisfy the chain-of-custody legal requirements, all tested parties have to be properly identified and their specimens collected by a third-party professional who is not related to any of the tested parties and has no interest in the outcome of the test.

  • Criminal Defense Legal Docs

    Peoples Opposition To Motion To Compel DNA Database Search And Testing

    Document is prosecutions opposition to compel DNA search on based on the scope it holds no evidentiary value.

  • Criminal Defense Legal Documents Download

    Petition for Expungement of DNA Profiles and Samples (Pen. Code, § 299)

    Petition for Expungement of DNA Profiles and Samples (Pen. Code, § 299)

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