Sex Crimes
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    Motion to Dismiss a Pornography Case

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

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    Motion Hearing in a Pornography Case

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

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    Motion and Memorandum in Support of Motion to Exclude Evidence – Pornography Laws

    Motion for an order to exclude all evidence and its fruits derived from the “network investigative techniques” code that the Government used to search the Defendant’s personal computer.

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    Motion and Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel Discovery – Pornography

    Moves the Court for an Order Compelling material in discovery.

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    Motions Checklist – Sex Abuse

    Motions Checklist – Child Sex Case

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

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    Motion to Inspect Counseling Records – Special Victims Case

    Motions the Court for the entry of an order directing copies of any and all counseling received by a therapist or psychiatrists relating to the treatment received for any emotional and psychological disorder related to drug use.

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    Motion to Determine Competence of Witness – Taint Hearing – Special Victims Unit

    Motions the Court to analyze the interview techniques of the interviewer to determine if they undermined the reliability of the complainant’s statements and testimony. The term “competency” refers to the minimal qualifications someone must have to be a witness. In order to be a witness, a person other than an expert (experts are a special case discussed later in the course) must meet seven basic requirements. When determining competency one of the primary questions taken into account is the person’s ability to make decisions in a legal capacity.

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    Motion to Compel Discovery – redacted – SVU Legal Help

    Defendant moves the Court for an order requiring the state to provide items into discovery.

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    Motion in Support of Necessity of Taint Hearing, Response to State’s Objection – SVU Case

    Motion in support of the previously filed “motion for a pretrial taint hearing” to determine whether the statements and testimony of the child sex abuse witness must be excluded if improper questioning has irremediably compromised the reliability and trustworthiness of that testimonial evidence.

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    Motion Defendant’s Supplemental Demand for Discovery and Inspection – SVU Case

    Motion to provide the defense an opportunity to inspect and copy all physical evidence which the plaintiff intends to introduce into evidence.

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    Creative Motions to Obtain Discovery in Special Victims Case

    Creative Motions to Obtain Discovery in a Child Sex Case

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in .docx (Microsoft Word) format for your convenience.

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    Conquer Your Fear – Taking on a Special Victims Case OUTLINE

    The document is an article laying out details to help in working on a child sex case. Child sexual abuse is defined as the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he/she does not fully comprehend, is unable to give informed consent to, or for which the child is not developmentally prepared and cannot give consent, or that violate the laws of society.

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    Child Abuse Allegations – Legal Help OUTLINE

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

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    Supplemental Demand for Discovery and Inspection in a Sex Crimes Case

    Supplemental Demand for Discovery and Inspection in a Sex Crimes Case

    Supplemental discovery is a later set of questions or requests for information from the opposing party in a lawsuit, such as in the form of interrogatories or requests for production. It is governed by rules of civil procedure, which vary by state, as well as the court’s deadline for discovery in the case.

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    Memo In Support Of Motion To Compel Discovery And DNA Sample – Sex Trafficking SVU

    Suppl Memo In Support Of Motion To Compel Discovery And DNA Sample – Sex Trafficking

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

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