Maurice Henry

Maurice Henry

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Purchase Order

Sold By : Maurice Henry

This purchase order includes the customers information, the description of the product with the tax percent, shipping charges, discount percent and the purchase total. 



Sold By : Maurice Henry

This invoice includes the business and customer information, and the description of product with discount percent, tax, shipping charges, and the purchase total. This invoice also includes the return policy. 


Bill of Sale

Sold By : Maurice Henry

This bill of sale states the sum of dollars, inclusive with all sales tax, for the property being sold as is. This bill of sale also includes the terms and if the response taken if there is a dispute between the seller and buyer. 


Purchase Order

Sold By : Maurice Henry

This purchase order includes the customers contact information, the description of the item purchased with the tax, shipping charges, discount and purchase total. 



Sold By : Maurice Henry

This invoice includes the business and who the customer are and what the price, discount, tax, shipping charges and purchase total. This invoice also includes the return policy on the purchase. 

Business Graph

General Receipt

Sold By : Maurice Henry

This general receipt includes the amount of the receipt and how the payment was paid. 
