Special Victims Advocates

Special Victims Advocates

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  • Motion in Limine to Exclude or Limit Expert Testimony in a Sexual Crimes Case

    This product is a motion in limine to limit expert testimony in a sex crimes case.

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in .docx (Microsoft Word) format for your convenience.

    Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email: support@attorneydocs.com

    In U.S. law, a motion in limine is a motion, discussed outside the presence of the jury, to request that certain testimony be excluded. The motion is decided by a judge in both civil and criminal proceedings.

  • Criminal Defense Legal Documents Download

    Motion to Allow Defendant to Use Victim’s Prior Allegations

    Motion to Allow Defendant to Use Victim’s Prior Allegations

  • Criminal Defense Legal Documents Download

    Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Allow Defendant to Use Victim’s Prior Allegations of Sex Abuse

    Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Allow Defendant to Use Victim’s Prior Allegations of Sex Abuse

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motions Practice in Sexual Assault Cases Outline

    Outline for motions regarding practice in sexual assault cases.

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motion to Permit Evidence of Alleged Victims Prior History Pursuant

    Orders an evidentiary hearing to permit questioning of an alleged victim concerning evidence of their prior history and permitting the admission of the matters into evidence at trial.

  • Motion for Production of an In Camera Review of Complainants Psychiatric and Medical Records in a Sex Case

    Moves Court for an order directing the production of complainant’s counseling records.

  • Homestead Status of Property Icon

    Power of Attorney for Child

    This power of attorney for a child states the attorney-in-fact regarding the minor child and the rights, power and authority granted to the attorney-in-fact.

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Order Motion to Suppress a Obscene Pornography Case

    Order Motion to Suppress a Child Pornography Case

    Nearly all child pornography convictions results in a jail sentence. The amount of jail will depend on a number of factors, including the nature of the material, the size of the collection, the duration of downloading and whether the accused distributed the child pornography.

    Child pornography is a crime that deals with some of the harshest and most serious laws that a person can face. Regardless of the specifics of the event or material involved, the first offense is met with heavy punishment, and subsequent offenses result in even harsher criminal sentences.

    There are officially two types of material considered child pornography, simulated, or digitally generated, and pornography produced with the direct involvement of the minor. With the production of child pornography other charges may be included, such as child abuse, and many other laws may come into play during the case.

    Defining Child Pornography
    Pictures of child pornography are not secure under First Amendment rights and are unlawful items under federal law. Though there are only two types of child pornography, those categories include several forms of material and media. Under federal law, any visual portrayals of sexually explicit behavior
    involving a minor are considered child pornography.

    Visual illustrations containing child pornography are deemed illegal under federal law. These may include photographs, videos, digital downloads, images produced to depict an actual minor, undeveloped film and video and electronically stored data.

    Sexual activity is not needed in the image to be considered pornography. The images may contain a nude picture of a child that is deemed sexually suggestive and be considered illegal. Child pornography under federal law is the disregard for age of consent for sexual activity in a given state. Some states consider age of consent to be younger than 18 years old, but when child pornography is concerned, any depiction of a minor under the age of 18 engaging in sexually explicit conduct is unlawful.

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    NIT Motion to Suppress Evidence, Evidentiary Hearing in a Pornography Case

    NIT Motion to Suppress Evidence, Evidentiary Hearing in a Child Pornography Case

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

    Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email: support@attorneydocs.com

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    NIT Motion and Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss Pornography Case

    NIT Motion and Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss – Child Pornography Case

    A document that cites (refers to) legal authorities such as statutes and court cases, and explains how those authorities support the position advocated by the party who wrote the memorandum. Filed motion to suppress the evidence seized during the search of the computer, including the information revealed by the use of the NIT.

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motion to Suppress; Request for Evidentiary Hearing in a Pornography Case

    Motion to Suppress; Request for Evidentiary Hearing in a Child Pornography Case

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

    Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email: support@attorneydocs.com

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motion to Suppress Hearing Transcript in a Pornography Case

    Motion to Suppress Hearing Transcript in a Child Pornography Case

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

    Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email: support@attorneydocs.com

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motion to Dismiss a Pornography Case

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

    Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email: support@attorneydocs.com

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motion Hearing in a Pornography Case

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

    Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email: support@attorneydocs.com

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motion and Memorandum in Support of Motion to Exclude Evidence – Pornography Laws

    Motion for an order to exclude all evidence and its fruits derived from the “network investigative techniques” code that the Government used to search the Defendant’s personal computer.

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motion and Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel Discovery – Pornography

    Moves the Court for an Order Compelling material in discovery.

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motions Checklist – Sex Abuse

    Motions Checklist – Child Sex Case

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

    Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email: support@attorneydocs.com

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motion to Inspect Counseling Records – Special Victims Case

    Motions the Court for the entry of an order directing copies of any and all counseling received by a therapist or psychiatrists relating to the treatment received for any emotional and psychological disorder related to drug use.

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motion to Determine Competence of Witness – Taint Hearing – Special Victims Unit

    Motions the Court to analyze the interview techniques of the interviewer to determine if they undermined the reliability of the complainant’s statements and testimony. The term “competency” refers to the minimal qualifications someone must have to be a witness. In order to be a witness, a person other than an expert (experts are a special case discussed later in the course) must meet seven basic requirements. When determining competency one of the primary questions taken into account is the person’s ability to make decisions in a legal capacity.

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motion to Compel Discovery – redacted – SVU Legal Help

    Defendant moves the Court for an order requiring the state to provide items into discovery.

  • Sexual Assault victim Icon

    Motion in Support of Necessity of Taint Hearing, Response to State’s Objection – SVU Case

    Motion in support of the previously filed “motion for a pretrial taint hearing” to determine whether the statements and testimony of the child sex abuse witness must be excluded if improper questioning has irremediably compromised the reliability and trustworthiness of that testimonial evidence.
