Civil Litigation

Civil Litigation

Showing 121–135 of 1216 results

  • Complaint for a Slip and Fall

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    Used this complaint to file a successful lawsuit against a casino in Colorado. It is a premise liability complaint  and a sample draft for a slip and fall

  • lawsuit legal documents

    complaint for ADA

    Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §12181, et. seq. (“ADA”), and the Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act (“PDCRA”), MCL §37.1301 et. seq.,

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Complaint for ADA and Retailiation – Title VII

    Filed comlaint in fderal district court for violation of Title VII ADA and retailiation

  • Family Legal Documents

    Complaint for Age Discrimination

    Age discrimination involves treating an applicant or employee less favorably because of his or her age.

    Complaint in Federal court for age discrimination:

    To establish an age discrimination claim, plaintiff must show that:

    –she was older than 40;
    –she was discharged;
    –she was qualified for the job and met the defendant’s legitimate expectations; and.
    –her position remained open or was filled by a similarly qualified individual who was substantially younger.

    An average out of court settlement is about $40,000. In addition, 10 percent of wrongful termination and discrimination cases result in a $1 million dollar settlement. The majority of cases, about 67 percent, are ruled in the plaintiff’s favor when taken to litigation.

    What are grounds for age discrimination?
    The employee, at the time of the act alleged to be discriminatory, is 40 or older; The employee is qualified for their job position; The employee experiences an adverse employment action; Adverse actions include actions such as demotions, firings, or changes to the terms, conditions or privileges of employment); and.

  • Complaint for American Disability Act and injunctive relief

    A complaint filed in Federal Court for American Disability Act, claiming access to public facility

  • Trending

    Complaint for Auto Accident – Federal Law

    Auto Accident filed in federal cour based on diversity

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Complaint for Auto Accident Federal Torts Claim

    Complaint for damages from auto accident and federal tort claims act

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Complaint for Breach of Contract – Insurance Law

    Complaint filed in Federal District court based on diversity. Complaint is for breach of insurance contract and includes, deceptive trade practice, unjust enrichment.

  • lawsuit legal documents

    Complaint for breach of Contract and Colorado Construction claim

    Sold By : Chavez Law

    Included in package is complaint, summons and civil cover sheet. Complaint includes breach of contract, Quantum Meruit and/or Unjust Enrichment and Violation of C.R.S. § 38-22-127 (requesting treble damages)

  • lawsuit legal documents

    Complaint for Civil Theft

    Complaint against company for civil theft and fraud

  • Complaint for Damages, Certificate of Review and Jury Demand

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    Complaint for Damages, Certificate of Review and Jury Demand

  • lawsuit legal documents


    Plaintiff brings this action under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, challenging the constitutionality of the action of Defendants DEFENDANT’S NAME surrounding the revocation of Plaintiff’s duty-disability retirement on April 28, 2016, specifically the denial of procedural due process to Plaintiff through the withholding of medical reports and other documents upon which they relied in their review and denial of a hearing before an impartial decision maker.

  • Family Legal Documents

    Complaint for Declaratory Judgment

    Sold By : SEOTeam-KJ

    A Declaratory judgement occurs as a request when a party or multiple parties are threatened with a lawsuit that has not been filed yet. Declaratory judgment can also occur when one or more parties believe their rights under the law and a contract conflict. 

  • Personal Injury Lawsuit Documents

    Complaint for Declaratory Judgment – Personal Injury Law Suit

    Sold By : Anderson Hemmat

    Declaratory judgments are filled prior to a lawsuit. The document produces a binding judgment based on the relationship between parties and their rights on a controversial matter in court.

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