Graham Legal Services
Graham Legal Services

Graham Legal Services

  • New York, United States (US)
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Mechanic’s Lien Waiver

This product states the lienholder, when the agreement was dated, and optional notary.

Civil Litigation Legal Documents

Motion in Limine Inadmissable Rule 404(B) Evidence – legal document

Motion by Defendant to exclude Plaintiffs from offering evidence founded upon inadmissible evidence under inadmissible evidence. In the past, the Plaintiff, their counsel, and their witnesses have frequently made references.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents Download

Motion to Suppress Evidence Found In Car – DUI Case

A motion filed to suppress evidence found in a car

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Support Order – Family Law Legal Document

Order of the Court to pay child support, alimony, spousal support, or some other type of family maintenance. The child support order is a document from a court that states when, how often, and how much a parent is to pay for child support. The support order is usually incident to an action for divorce, legal separation or paternity, and is generally paid on a monthly basis.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion for Discovery Fingerprint Evidence in a DUI Case

Motion for discovery in regards to fingerprint evidence to be used in trial.

A DWI, DUI, or OUI arrest means you’re caught driving a vehicle while “under the influence” of alcohol or drugs. … You can still get a DWI if you’re pulled over for some reason other than erratic driving, by the way. As long as your BAC is 0.08 percent or higher, you can be charged, even if your driving wasn’t affected.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Notice of Motions in a DUI Case

Notice of all motions related to DUI case.

lawsuit legal documents

Confidential Settlement Statement – Construction Mediation

A confidential settlement statement for construction case. Construction projects often produce disputes. Mediation can help resolve such disputes, quickly, confidentially, and efficiently.

Forms of mediation vary greatly, from facilitative (with the mediator encouraging parties to consider the benefits of settlement, and creative alternatives for dispute resolution), to evaluative (with the mediator providing a non-binding assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of positions, to help parties rationally evaluate the benefits of settlement), and a variety of other forms. Mediators, moreover, vary, from subject matter experts (including non-lawyer professionals) to experts in dispute resolution (including ex-judges and highly experienced counsel).

Get a process, and a mediator, that is right for your dispute. Even if the process is not specified in a contract, or if mediation is directed by a court, you still have the ability to shape the process (on agreement with the adversary). Since you share an interest in ensuring that the process succeeds, early discussion with adversaries about the needs of the dispute should be a high priority.

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Completion Guarantee

This product states who the guarantor, who the lender, who the borrower is, the amount the loan is, inducement for guaranty, waiver and consent, agreements and covenants of guarantor, successors and assigns, no alteration of other documents, joint obligation, governing law, remedies cumulative, and signatures.

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Social Media Addendum to Living Will – Estate Law

This addendum to the Last Will and Testament states the nomination of digital executor, the powers of digital executor, Texas affidavit, and letter of instructions.

Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $19.99. On Sale
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Pet Trust

The purpose of this pet trust is for stating the funding of trust, management of trust assets, pet care during the settlor’s lifetime, trust use and distribution, trustee powers, revocation or amendment, Texas Governing Law, perpetuities savings clause, and severability.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Government Response to Motion to Suppress and Exclude – McNeely Memo

Government response to motion to suppress and exclude blood sample evidence on the grounds it was obtained illegally without a warned from the hospital.

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Common Law Marriage Order

Order by District court judge regarding common law marriage:

Despite much belief to the contrary, the length of time you live together does not by itself determine whether a common law marriage exists. No state law or court decision says seven years or ten years of cohabitation is all that is needed for a common law marriage. It’s only one factor the court may consider.

Marriage is the legal union of two people. Once they become married to each other, their responsibilities and rights toward one another concerning property and support are defined by the laws of the state in which they live. While a married couple may be able to modify some of the rules set up by their state, they can end their marriage only by a court granting a divorce or an annulment. Many people believe that if you live with a person for a long time you’re automatically married—that you have what is called a common law marriage, with the same rights and responsibilities of a couple who has been legally married. In most states, this is not true. In these states, marriage requires a license and ceremony.


Defendants Motion in Limine

Defendants Motion in Limine in excessive force case to exclude unrelated claims against defendant’s

A House

Legal Memo Regarding Denver Zoning on Signage

A legal memorandum regarding Denver’s zoning laws on signs

lawsuit legal documents

Medical Malpractice Lawsuit – Complaint Document

A lawsuit for medical malpractice filed in Federal Court due to Diversity

Civil Litigation Legal Documents

Independent Contractors Agreement

Contract for Independent Contractor work

An Independent Contractor Agreement is a written contract between two parties for a specific service or project. One person or company is hiring another to help on a short term task. Unlike an employment agreement, this document clearly spells out why the party being hired is not an employee for legal and tax purposes.

Three Common Construction Contracts

– FIXED PRICE. Fixed price construction contracts, also commonly referred to as “lump sum” or “stipulated sum” contracts, are the most common types of construction contracts. …

In some cases, A general contractor is also the builder on your project and will use his own team and subcontractors for both construction and the mechanical work. … In metropolitan areas, this work is more commonly divided out between a general contractor who oversees the whole project and keeps a builder on task.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents Download


A motion filed in court to challenge whether the police had probable cause to stop and arrest defendant.  Motion should be used early in the case and filed prior to preliminary hearing.

Real Estate Law Legal Documents

Warranty Bond – Real Estate Law Florida

This product states the owner, contractor, contract, project name, general conditions, surety obligation and signatures.

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Change Order

This product states the project name, from and to whom, the proposed changes, the contract sum prior to change order, how much the contract some will increase to, the new contract sum, and the date of the substantial completion.

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Certificate of Substantial Completion

This product states the contract number, project name, date of issuance, owner, design professional, contractor, contract date, beginning of construction, substantial completion, and any exhibit needed.
