Search & Seizure

Motion to suppress search and seizure on regards evidence pertained towards the search was obtained illegally and unwarranted.

Motion to suppress questions to the expert who preformed the blood draw related to the case.

This is the certificate for an NY All-Purpose Notary Acknowledgement for any document to be attached OR you can type in the proper wording yourself into your document.

Declaration In Support Of Motions - Criminal Law Legal Document

Sample document of declaration in support of motion to get police misconduct records.

Motion for subpoena that may order witness to produce documents the subpoena requests. The Court may direct the witness to produce items before trial and before they are offered into evidence.

Government's response to Defendant's prior motion to suppress evidence.

Document is a reply to a motion to suppress specific evidence.

Renewed motion to dismiss due to outrageous government conduct. IN addition to a request for evidentiary hearing.

Document motions for disclosure of FISA related material in addition to suppressing the evidence or related evidence of electronic surveillance and any additional means of collection conducted pursuant to FISA or other foreign intelligence gathering

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