  • Brainstorm Icon

    Creative Independent Contractor Agreement

    This independent contractor’s agreement is intended to be used with independent contractors that produce designs and creative works for you or your company.

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence, Testimony, or Current Regulations – legal document

    Sold By : Joe Martinez

    Motion to exclude evidence, testimony, and current regulations in regards to water wells on the Plaintiff’s property.

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Motion in Limine To Exclude Evidence, Testimony or Large Company – legal document

    Sold By : Lorraine Evans

    Motion in Limine To Exclude Evidence, Testimony or Large Company – legal document

    This product comes in .docx (Microsoft Word) format for your convenience.

    Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email:

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence Unsampled Location – legal document

    Sold By : Joe Martinez

    Motion to exclude evidence that the Defendants should have tested samples from locations.

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence of Damage to Property – legal document

    Sold By : Joe Martinez

    Motion by Defendant to exclude damages to the Defendant’s home that contradicts their own testimony.

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence Unrelated Events – legal document

    Motion to exclude any reference to unrelated topics or events during the trial.

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Motion in Limine Inadmissable Rule 404(B) Evidence – legal document

    Motion by Defendant to exclude Plaintiffs from offering evidence founded upon inadmissible evidence under inadmissible evidence. In the past, the Plaintiff, their counsel, and their witnesses have frequently made references.

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Motion for Sanction for Failure to Provide Video – legal document

    Motion for sanction for failure to provide a video that is relevant evidence.

  • Criminal Defense Attorney Documents

    Notice Regarding In-Person Testimony Relating to Laboratory Analysis and Other Scientific Testing

    Document entails information stating any employee or technician to review evidence that can be introduced in trial must testify as well. – Criminal Defense Legal Document

  • Family Legal Documents

    Fingerprint Discovery Request Motion

    Sold By : SEOTeam-KJ

    Document requesting all fingerprint analysis that had been analyzed. and those currently being analyzed to be log in as evidence in Court.

  • Police - Vector Icon

    Model Motion to Preclude Bite Mark Evidence Under Frye v. United States

    Document motions to exclude bite mark evidence from trial due to bite mark analysis being unreliable.

  • Police - Vector Icon

    Motion for a Forensic Pathologist

    Motion for forensic pathologist to preform an autopsy to examine the deceased, for example to determine cause and manner of death.

  • Police - Vector Icon

    Motion for Funds for Forensic Audio Expert

    Motion for forensic audio experts to analyze pieces of evidence relevant to the case. For example, to analyze 911 recordings.

  • Police - Vector Icon

    Motion for Leave of Court to Conduct Discovery and Discovery Requests

    Document requests Court to allow Plaintiff to leave Court in order to conduct discovery limited to issue of whether the Defendant is subjected to the personal jurisdiction of the Court.

  • Police - Vector Icon

    Motion For Production Of Forensic Data

    Document motions order requiring government to provide all information and permitting counsel to inspect and copy all scientific evidence.

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