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Motion for Discovery of CoDefandants & Conspirators + Memo in Support
A basic 801 Motion for discovery of Co defendant statements
Murder(no death penalty) JUROR QUESTIONNAIRE
A jury questionnaire used in a murder case with no death penalty issue.
Rule 16 Self Defense
Criminal Defense disclosure for self defense and defense of property
Motion for Funds to Retain the Assistance of Expert Witness
State court a motion for the state payment of an expert witness
Motion for Ex Parte Payment of Transcript
Motion for Court payment of transcripts for indigent client
Motion for Bill of Particulars
Criminal Motion for Bill of Particulars
Motion to Suppress Identification
Motion to Suppress Identification.
Motion to Suppress Evidence due to Mistake of Law
Motion to Suppress Evidence Due to Mistake of Law.
Motion to Enforce Settlement Agreement-Civil
Motion to Enforce Settlement Agreement in civil money case.
Motion to Stike Defendant’s Name’s Designations of Non-Party At Fault
Motion to Stike Defendant’s Name’s Designations of Non-Party At Fault
Motion for Sanctions for Failure to Provide Discovery
Motion for Sanctions under discovery rules (Rule 16 in Colorado), for prosecution’s repeated failure to provide specific police reports as required. The case settled prior to litigating this issue, though the plea agreement was much better than it could have been largely because of this issue.
Notice of Alibi
Required Notice of Alibi under the Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure.