Family Law

Family Law
  • Family Legal Documents

    Response To motion for Extension of Time to Pay Property Distribution in Divorce

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    client was owed money from a divorce in property distribution.  wife was to pay husband $85,000.00 wife paid some but was requesting more time to pay the additional money. We filed this objection and argued the alternative that my client be granted 8% interest from time of divorce if court does grant her the motion for extension of time to pay the husband

  • Download Family Law Legal Documents

    Motion to Abate and Modify Child Support

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    Motion to abate and modify child support

  • Family Legal Documents

    Motion to move forward with default

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    A motion I filed after I filed a motion to modify decision making and parenting time. Respondent never answered and failed to appear for mediation. So I filed a request for court to enter a default against the Respondent

  • Download Family Law Legal Documents

    Motion to Modify Parental Responsibilities, Parenting Time and Child Support

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    Filed this motion when the court ordered the mother to be the primary parent and gave father some parenting time and ordered father to pay child support. However child continued to reside with father and mother had little parenting time. So filed Motion to modify from the time of the voluntary change pursuant to C.R.S 14-10-122 so that child support can also be modified from date of voluntary change.

  • Family Legal Documents

    Satisfaction of Judgment

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    This satisfaction is filed to the court to show that the attorney fees order by the court has been paid. Party should file this if a judgment has been entered and that judgment has been satisfied with payment

  • Family Legal Documents

    Request for Judgment of Attorney Fees

    Sold By : Chavez Law

    A petition or request for the court to enter a attorney fees order into a judgment. this allows the Attorney to collect the attorney as a judgment, including lien a bank account or pay checks.

  • Estate and Probate Legal Documents

    Consent and or waiver of service

    Sold By : The Genet Law Firm

    A waiver of service to be signed by opposing party in family law or probate case. This document allows the party to sign a waiver instead of being served by a process server.

  • Family Legal Documents

    Petition for Temporary Custody by Extended Family

    Sold By : The Genet Law Firm

    A petition filed with the court for extended family to take temporary custody of a minor child in a Florida Family Law case.  The petition was filed by family members who are requesting a court order that allows them to take custody of their minor relative

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    Medical Power of Attorney – Healthcare & Probate

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in .docx (Microsoft Word) format for your convenience.

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