Closing Argument Power Point

Sold By : Anderson Hemmat


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Recently used this power point in a case where my client was being charged with Sexual Assault against a Child, Sexual Assault as part of a Pattern of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault by A Person of Trust.  Client was find not guilty of all charges. The Power Point allowed me to push my theory of the case on the jury and provides a great outline of the closing argument.  Not as in depth as my other (Martinez) power point but just as effective in my Closing Arguments.



Recently used this power point in a case where my client was being charged with Sexual Assault against a Child, Sexual Assault as part of a Pattern of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault by A Person of Trust.  Client was find not guilty of all charges. The Power Point allowed me to push my theory of the case on the jury and provides a great outline of the closing argument.  Not as in depth as my other (Martinez) power point but just as effective in my Closing Arguments.

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