Legal Document Shop

Legal Document Shop

(Showing 256 – 270 products of 5152 products)

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Memorandum of Law to Admit Eyewitness ID Expert – Criminal Law Legal Document

Document motions to allow eyewitness expert to testify in Court based on their highly accepted scientific methods.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Government’s Memorandum In Opposition To Defendant’s Motion To Admit Expert Testimony- Criminal Law Legal Document – Experts and Evidence

Sold By : Chavez Law

Government’s Memorandum In Opposition To Defendant’s Motion To Admit Expert Testimony- Criminal Law Legal Document – Experts and Evidence

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Govt Motion To Exclude Defendants Proposed Expert Witness- Criminal Law Legal Document – Experts and Evidence

Sold By : Chavez Law

Government motion to exclude defendants proposed experts testimony on grounds questioning their validity.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion and Memo to Admit NIJ Guidelines into Evidence- Criminal Law Legal Document- Experts and Evidence

Sold By : Chavez Law

In U.S. law, a motion in limine is a motion, discussed outside the presence of the jury, to request that certain testimony be excluded. The motion is decided by a judge in both civil and criminal proceedings.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion Compelling Plaintiff To Identify Expert Witness and Serve Summary Of Testimony – Criminal Law Legal Document- Experts and Evidence

Sold By : Chavez Law

Motion Compelling Plaintiff To Identify Expert Witness and Serve Summary Of Testimony – Criminal Law Legal Document- Experts and Evidence

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion In Limine Re Testimony Offered By Govt Witness During The Trial

Motion In Limine Re Testimony Offered By Govt Witness During The Trial Of This Matter – Criminal Law Case File – Experts and Evidence

This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email:

In U.S. law, a motion in limine is a motion, discussed outside the presence of the jury, to request that certain testimony be excluded. The motion is decided by a judge in both civil and criminal proceedings.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion In Limine Regarding Proposed Testimony Of Govt Expert- Criminal Law Legal Document – Experts and Evidence

Sold By : Chavez Law

This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email:

In U.S. law, a motion in limine is a motion, discussed outside the presence of the jury, to request that certain testimony be excluded. The motion is decided by a judge in both civil and criminal proceedings.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion In Limine To Exclude Plaintiff’s Expert From Offering Opinions Or Evidence- Criminal Law Legal Document – Experts and Evidence

Sold By : Chavez Law

In U.S. law, a motion in limine is a motion, discussed outside the presence of the jury, to request that certain testimony be excluded. The motion is decided by a judge in both civil and criminal proceedings.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion In Limine To Preclude Testimony Of Medical Examiner – Tyler Motion- Criminal Law Legal Document – Experts and Evidence

Sold By : Chavez Law

In U.S. law, a motion in limine is a motion, discussed outside the presence of the jury, to request that certain testimony be excluded. The motion is decided by a judge in both civil and criminal proceedings.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motions To Dismiss Pursuant To CrRLJ 8.3(B) And Due To Spoliation Of Evidence

Motions to dismiss of charges pursuant to CrRLJ 8.3(B) and due to spoliation of evidence.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Notice of Motion In Limine to Exclude Govt Expert Testimony- Criminal Law Legal Document – Experts and Evidence

Sold By : Chavez Law

Motion to limine, or restrict/ exclude the use of governments expert testimony during trial.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Opposition To The Government’s Motion To Exclude Defendants’ Proposed Expert Witnesses

Opposition To The Government’s Motion To Exclude Defendants’ Proposed Expert Witnesses

This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email:

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Response to Government’s Motion in Limine to Exclude Expert Testimony- Criminal Law Legal Document – Experts and Evidence

Sold By : Chavez Law

In U.S. law, a motion in limine is a motion, discussed outside the presence of the jury, to request that certain testimony be excluded. The motion is decided by a judge in both civil and criminal proceedings.

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