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(Showing 4906 – 4920 products of 5152 products)

Police Vehicle - Vector

Sample Eyewitness Id Direct on Estimator Variables – Criminal Law Legal Document

Document entails a loose framework for examining an eyewitness ID expert, allowing defense attorneys to prepare their witness.

Police Vehicle - Vector

Sample Motion in Limine to Admit the NIJ Guidelines into Evidence – Criminal Law Legal Document

Sold By : Chavez Law

Sample Motion in Limine to Admit the NIJ Guidelines into Evidence – Criminal Law Legal Document

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Sample Motion to Present a Defense – Constitutional Argument for ID Expert – Criminal Law Legal Document

Sold By : Clever Legal

Based on the United States Fifth Amendment and due process, motion to present defense in Jury trial.

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Sequential Lineup Memo of Law – Criminal Law Legal Document

Sold By : Clever Legal

Sequential Lineup Memo of Law – Criminal Law Legal Document

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion for Rule 17 Subpoena – Crash Data – Criminal Law Legal Document

Sold By : Clever Legal

Motion for subpoena that may order witness to produce documents the subpoena requests. The Court may direct the witness to produce items before trial and before they are offered into evidence.

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion In Limine To Exclude Unreliable Statements

Sold By : Clever Legal

Motion to exclude and restrict statements during trial based on their degree of reliability and credibility.


Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion to Disclose Sealed Portions of Affidavit re Search Warrant

Sold By : Clever Legal

Motion to Disclose Sealed Portions of Affidavit re Search Warrant

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion to Suppress Evidence; Memorandum of Points of Authority – US v. Keys

Sold By : Clever Legal

Motion for the Judge to exclude, or suppress, certain evidence during trial by the Defendant’s request.

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Renewed Motion to Dismiss for Outrageous Government Conduct; Request for Evidentiary Hearing – Criminal Law Legal Document

Sold By : Joe Martinez

Renewed motion to dismiss due to outrageous government conduct. IN addition to a request for evidentiary hearing.

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Reply To The Government’s Response To The Defendant’s Motion To Suppress

Sold By : Clever Legal

Government’s response to Defendant’s prior motion to suppress evidence.

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Sample Declaration in Support of Motion to Get Police Misconduct Records

Sold By : Clever Legal

Sample document of declaration in support of motion to get police misconduct records.

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Sample Motion to Dismiss Indictment Facts – Criminal Law Legal Document

Sold By : Clever Legal

Motion to dismiss indictment facts baed on the governments prejudicial and intentional intrusion into the client-attorney’s communication.

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Memo Of Law In Support Of Motion To Dismiss Or In The Alternative For A Bill Of Particulars

Sold By : Clever Legal

Motion for bill of particulars is a motion for expulsion of facts the prosecution intends to prove and the limitation of these facts during trial.

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion to Compel Production of Exculpatory and Impeachment Evidence

Sold By : Clever Legal

Motions for exculpatory evidence; evidence which favors the defendant and exoneration. In addition to including impeachment evidence.

Forensic Evidence Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Memorandum Addressing Failure To Preserve Evidence

Sold By : Clever Legal

The document presents an argument for relief when the State fails to preserve evidence necessary for a thorough and detailed forensic analysis. The document includes a summary of the presented case and ground for relief based on the requirements of processing exculpatory evidence in capital proceedings.

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