Legal Document Shop

Legal Document Shop

(Showing 4996 – 5010 products of 5152 products)

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Motion for Severance – US v King

Motion to separate criminal defendants trials who have been charged with the same crimes.

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Pattern Interrogatories for a Divorce Case

Interrogatory is a written question directed by one party to another regarding information that is within the scope of discovery. When you are issued Pattern and Non-Pattern Interrogatories, you will notice that they are simply a series of questions that require an answer.

Interrogatories are part of the discovery process of divorce. They allow you and your soon-to-be/already ex spouse to ask questions that must be responded to in writing under oath. These answer are then used to determine facts in the case, as well as to question each side if/when the case goes to trial.

Criminal Defense Legal Documents

Motion To Dismiss The Indictment As An Abuse Of Prosecutorial Discretion

Motion To Dismiss The Indictment As An Abuse Of Prosecutorial Discretion

This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email:

US v Klein – Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Charge an Offense and for Vagueness

US v Klein – Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Charge an Offense and for Vagueness

This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email:

Estate and Probate Legal Document

Notice of Expedited Foreclosure Sale

Sold By : Chavez Law

Notice of Expedited Foreclosure Sale

Expedited Foreclosures: If you move out of your home before a foreclosure becomes final, the lender may pursue an expedited foreclosure, also known as a fast-track foreclosure. To trigger an expedited foreclosure, the lender must file a motion alleging that the home has been abandoned and may be at risk of harm.

If a lender who was not the original holder of your promissory note has initiated a foreclosure action against you, the lender must prove that it has standing to foreclose on your home in the place of the original lender. If they cannot do so, you may be entitled to have the complaint against you dismissed.

The original note on a mortgage is called the “Promissory Note”. It is the signed document at closing containing a written promise by the borrower to pay a stated sum to a specified lender or the bearer at a specified date or on demand.

A foreclosure “trustee” is the party who handles a nonjudicial foreclosure. … The law prohibits an attorney from serving as a trustee while simultaneously representing the lender.

Estate and Probate Legal Document

Application for Conditional Absolute Underground Water Right

Groundwater can either be privately owned or publicly owned. Groundwater owned by the State is usually distributed through an appropriation system. Privately owned groundwater may allow unlimited production or limited production rights based on land ownership or liability rules.

Water beneath the surface can essentially be divided into three zones: 1) the soil water zone, or vadose zone, 2) an intermediate zone, or capillary fringe, and 3) the ground water, or saturated zone.

The depth of the groundwater supply may dictate how, and if, you can drive or drill your well. For good potable water, you will have to go deep enough. Acceptable water will usually require going at least 30 feet down, but better water will usually be even deeper. Never drive or drill a well in a marshy, wet area.

Water rights are a type of interest that may attach to real estate ownership and pertain to the rights to use adjacent bodies of water. Different types of waters rights exist based on various forms of water that border or exist on a property.

Family Legal Documents

Defendants Motion to Dismiss Due to Denial Of Speedy Trial

Defendants Motion to Dismiss due to denial Of Speedy Trial

Notice Pursuant to C.R.E. Rule 902 – Criminal Defense Legal Document

Notice Pursuant to C.R.E. Rule 902 – Criminal Defense Legal Document

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NY Certificate of Subscribing Witness

The New York notary certificate of subscribing witness is a document with which a notary public verifies the identity of an individual who has acted as a witness for the signing of a legal instrument. A “subscribing witness” is required by living trusts and other property transfers, and they must personally know the principal signer, witness the signing of the document, and sign as witness. Can be used for other types of documents, if needed.

Real Estate Law Legal Documents

Warranty Bond – Real Estate Law Florida

This product states the owner, contractor, contract, project name, general conditions, surety obligation and signatures.

Prenuptial Agreement

This product states the agreement, which gives details on separate property, residence, earnings during the marriage, Living expenses, debt, joint property, taxes, dissolution of marriage, support, waiver of spousal support in the event of dissolution, mutual wavier of right to receive spousal support, disability, death, revocation, additional instruments, dispute resolution, attorney’s fees, full disclosure, miscellaneous provisions, certification of independent legal review, and exhibits.

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