Legal Document Shop

Legal Document Shop
  • Plaintiff Response to Defendant Motion for Summary Judgment

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    Plaintiff Response to a Defendant Motion for Summary judgment. Claims including Breach of Contract, Unjust Enrichment and Emotion Distress. This response argues that there is a genuine issue of material fact that need to be determined by the trial of fact.

  • Woman and her children

    Downloadable Simple Will for Married Couple – With Children

    Sold By : Legal Forms By Us

    Downloadable Joint Will for Married Couple without Children 

    It takes only minutes to fill out a ready-made, downloadable Joint Will (for Married Couple without children) which eases the process of creating a joint will. This will be provided in the form of a downloadable file that you can either print out and fill out by hand, or do the same electronically. Since this will be a group filing, each individual involved should complete a questionnaire. Don’t take the chance of potentially using an invalid document, buy a certified and reviewed document you can count on.

  • joint will

    Legal Joint Will for Married Couple No Children

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    Downloadable Joint Will for Married Couple without Children 

    It takes only minutes to fill out a ready-made, downloadable Joint Will (for Married Couple without children) which eases the process of creating a joint will. This will be provided in the form of a downloadable file that you can either print out and fill out by hand, or do the same electronically. Since this will be a group filing, each individual involved should complete a questionnaire. Don’t take the chance of potentially using an invalid document, buy a certified and reviewed document you can count on.

    This document is part of the Estate Bundle which contains Living and last wills and medical power of attorney documents.

  • Homestead Status of Property Icon

    Mechanic’s Lien

    This product states the full name and address of the claimant, the amount the claimant demands, general statement of the kind of work, the name and address of the owner, the name and address of the person by whom the claimant was employed, and proof of service affidavit.

  • Homestead Status of Property Icon

    Revocation of Power of Attorney- Florida

    Sold By : Maurice Henry

    This revocation of power of attorney revokes the power of attorney appointed before. 

  • Dog Icon

    Pet Trust – Florida

    Sold By : Maurice Henry

    The pet trust includes the funding for the trust, management of trust assets, pet care during the settlor’s lifetime, trust use and distribution, trustee powers, right to direct investments, governing law of Florida, Perpetuities savings clause, and severability. 

  • Estate and Probate Legal Document

    My Social Media Addendum to Will-California

    Sold By : Maurice Henry

    This addendum to the last will and testament includes the nomination of digital executor and power of digital executor.

  • Business Law Legal Documents

    Cease and Desist Letter to collection agency

    Letter requesting collection agencies to stop contact.

  • Criminal Defense Legal Docs

    Notice Of Alibi Defense – West Virginia Legal Document

    Notice Of Alibi Defense – West Virginia Legal Document

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in .docx (Microsoft Word) format for your convenience.

    Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email:

  • Criminal Defense Legal Docs

    Motion to Suppress Identification – Criminal Defense Legal Document

    Motion to Suppress Identification – Criminal Defense Legal Document

    This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in .docx (Microsoft Word) format for your convenience.

    Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email:

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    White Label License Agreement

    This agreement sets forth the terms between a white label platform service produced by one company (the producer) that other companies (the marketers) rebrand to make it appear as if they had made it.

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