Auto / Traffic

Auto / Traffic
  • Name Change Notification to Car Insurance

    A name change letter sent to clients auto insurance carrier when client got married.

  • Family Legal Documents

    Motion in Limine RE: Safety Rules and/or Community Safety

    Sold By : Maurice Henry

    A motion in limine is a motion filed by a party to a lawsuit which asks the court for an order or ruling limiting or preventing certain evidence from being presented by the other side at the trial of the case.

    Your motion in limine can also be framed in a way that asks the court to prohibit opposing counsel from referencing a safety standard or guideline that differs from the applicable standard of care owed in your case on the grounds that any reference to such standards or guidelines will only serve to mislead the jury. 
  • Trending

    Marijuana Use – Traffic – Motion in Limine

    A motion in limine is a motion filed by a party to a lawsuit which asks the court for an order or ruling limiting or preventing certain evidence from being presented by the other side at the trial of the case.

    Driving accidents overall are up in Colorado, Washington and Oregon, states that legalized recreational use of marijuana, studies say. Some studies also note that high-risk groups for car accidents are those most likely to use marijuana. Most notably, this is young men in their late teens and 20s.

  • Trending

    Complaint for Auto Accident – Federal Law

    Auto Accident filed in federal cour based on diversity

  • Personal Injury Juror Questionnaire

    A jury Questionnaire used for personal injury auto accident cases. This is not voir dire questions, however they can be used as part of your voir dire. Jury instructions are the set of legal rules governing how jurors should behave when deciding a case, often addressing with whom jurors may discuss the case and how jurors will decide who is guilty.

  • Complaint and Summons For County Court Auto Accident

    A simple complaint and summons to begin a county court lawsuit for injuries caused by an auto accident

  • Wrongful Death Complaint – Auto Accident

    A Wrongful Death complaint for auto accident filed in Federal court based on diversity

  • Auto accident complaint with Vicarious Liability

    A auto accident complaint filed in Federal District court based on Diversity

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Complaint of For Negligence Auto Accident

    Complaint filed in Federal Court based on diversity for auto accident

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Complaint for Auto Accident Federal Torts Claim

    Complaint for damages from auto accident and federal tort claims act

  • Civil Litigation Legal Documents

    Complaint for Auto Accident – New York

    Complaint against USPS federal agency for injuries from an auto accident

  • lawsuit legal documents

    Plaintiff Did Not Use Insurance, Motion in Limine to Preclude Mention

    Plaintiff’s MIL to preclude mention that Plaintiff did not use insurance for medical care

  • lawsuit legal documents

    Traffic collision report, MIL to exclude

    Motion in limine to exclude the traffic collision report

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