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Waiver of Accounting Form
Waiver of Accounting, Portions of Petition for Discharge & Service of Petition for Discharge, Receipt of Beneficiary and Consent to Discharge. A waiver of accounting is a voluntary waiver by all heirs and beneficiaries that eliminates a very time-consuming and expensive accounting process by the Personal Representative. In order for a probate estate to be closed, the court requires the filing of a petition for final distribution.
Exhume a Body
A person seeking to exhume a body must usually petition to have the body exhumed. Because of the general disinclination to disturb remains, a valid reason is required before exhumation will be allowed.
Exhumation means the removal from the ground of a body or cremated remains. It also covers the disturbance of remains within a grave, particularly when a grave is reopened for burial.
Will – Single/Divorced/Widowed
This is a Last Will and Testament form that can be used by single, divorced or widowed individuals in the State of Wisconsin. It gives the estate to the decedent’s children in equal shares and then passes to their grandchildren. The language is easily adaptable to inserting heirs that are not children of the decedent.
Order Determining Homestead Status of Real Property
As a special kind of asset, it passes automatically to the heir(s) under Florida law; however, the heirs may not have clear title. Without clear title, these heirs are unable to sell the home. Therefore, title companies will require an Order Determining Homestead prior to issuing a title policy.
NY Notary Public All-Purpose Acknowledgement Certificate
Petition for Formal Administration – Intestate
Petition for Formal Administration – Intestate
Order of Summary Administration – Testate
Order of Summary Administration – Testate
Petition to Waive Bond of Personal Representative
Petition to Waive Bond of Personal Representative
Will Questionnaire
PDF copy of a Will Questionnaire to use for clients to fill out
Petition to Determine Homestead Status of Real Property – testate
Petition to Determine Homestead Status of Real Property – testate
Death Notice to Credit Bureau
Once a person passes away, the credit bureaus should be notified that the person is no longer living in order to place a notice on the account to prevent an possible identity theft from occurring. These are three separate letters to each of the credit bureaus. They are drafted for the State of Wisconsin, but can be easily adapted for any state. The person submitting the request must include proper documentation of being a spouse or heir.
Declaration of Custodian of Records
For use for when authenticating business records or documents – such as local governments, vital records, medical, churches, business or organization archives etc.
Downloadable Simple Will for Single Person No Dependents
Downloadable Simple Will for Single Person No Dependents
It takes only minutes to fill out a ready-made, downloadable Simple Will (for Single Person No Dependents) which eases the process of creating this document. This will be provided in the form of a downloadable file that you can either print out and fill out by hand, or do the same electronically. The individual involved should complete a questionnaire. Don’t take the chance of potentially using an invalid document, buy a certified and reviewed document you can count on.
Power of Attorney Form
Letters of attorney or powers of attorney are written documents that authorize an individual to take care of their own affairs, represent them in business or other matters of legal significance.
This document is part of the Estate Bundle which contains Living and last wills and medical power of attorney documents.
General Power of Attorney
A power of attorney or letter of attorney is a written authorization to represent or act on another’s behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matter. The person authorizing the other to act is the principal, grantor, or donor