Real Estate Law

Real Estate Law
  • A House

    Real Estate Purchase Agreement

    A contract to purchase property

  • A House

    Complaint for Improper Foreclosure – Georgia

    The judicial foreclosure process starts when a lender sues a delinquent borrower in the county where the property is located. To initiate the suit, the lender (the plaintiff) files a document called a “complaint for foreclosure” or “petition for foreclosure” in court. Plaintiff’s complaint for breach of contract, failure to provide notice pursuant to the security deed and failure to act in good faith and fair dealing regarding plaintiff’s loan modification and terms of the security deed, violation of Georgia Fair Lending Act, wrongful foreclosure, negligence, emotional distress, punitive damages, attorney’s fees and expenses.

  • Motion to Dismiss FED Case-Landlord and Tenant

    Motion to Dismiss a FED case for lack of proper service and improper pleading. Ultimately, it worked, but the court still required a hearing.

  • A House

    Motion for Absentee Testimony – Landlord Tenant

    Motion seeking to allow testimony via telephone for out of state witnesses/litigants.

  • Real Estate Law Legal Documents

    Petition to Stop Foreclosure

    The judicial foreclosure process starts when a lender sues a delinquent borrower in the county where the property is located. To initiate the suit, the lender (the plaintiff) files a document called a “complaint for foreclosure” or “petition for foreclosure” in court.

    If you’re facing foreclosure, you might be able to stop the process by filing for bankruptcy, applying for a loan modification, or filing a lawsuit. If you’ve fallen behind on your mortgage payments and a foreclosure sale is looming in the very near future, you might still be able to save your home.

    Judicial Foreclosure

    – Respond to the summons and complaint the bank or mortgage company serves you. …
    – File an answer to the foreclosure complaint stating your arguments for contesting the foreclosure. …
    – Submit statements under oath pertaining to any additional evidence you have proving your position.

    Once the home is sold, the new owner has the option of evicting anyone who remains in the home. A minimum of four months has elapsed by this point, and this is the first time in the foreclosure process that anyone can legally ask you to leave.

  • A House

    Motion to Quash Service Pursuant–Landlord and Tenant

    A Motion to Quash Service in a FED (Eviction) case, where Plaintiff failed to follow Rule 304 regarding proper service of a Complaint and Summons. While it may seem so, the Defendants were not married, nor were they otherwise related. As the Rule requires service in this instance separately on each, even had Plaintiff properly served one tenant, he did not properly serve the other.

  • Release of Deed Of Trust (standard Form)

    File this release of Deed of Trust when debt paid off

  • Estate and Probate Legal Document

    Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay-Landlord and Tenant

    Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy Court in a state court eviction/FED case.

  • Real Estate Law Legal Documents

    Real Estate Contract for Sale of Home with Promissory Note

    Contract for purchase of home between family members. With the attached promissory note as well.

    A promissory note is a financial instrument that contains a written promise by one party (the note’s issuer or maker) to pay another party (the note’s payee) a definite sum of money, either on demand or at a specified future date. … In effect, anyone becomes a lender when he issues a promissory note.

    A promissory note (if properly written) is a legally binding document. It can either be secured (i.e; Deed of Trust encumbering real property) or unsecured. If the promissory note is unsecured, it may be harder to get paid in the event of default.

  • A House

    Simplified Answer and Counter claim on renters deposit–Landlord and Tenant

    Clients were renting a home and landlord filed lawsuit for back rent and money owed. This simplified answer was used to answer the lawsuit and to counterclaim with Unjust Enrichment and Wrongful Witholding of Earnest Money

  • Texas Residential Lease Agreement | 28 Day Eviction Notice Template - Landlord and Tennant Legal Documents

    Complaint (lawsuit) on Behalf of Landlord against former Tenant and Guarantor

    Complaint (lawsuit) on behalf of landlord against former tenant and a guarantor who co-signed lease. Filed in County Court in Denver, State of Colorado.

  • Real Estate Law Legal Document

    affidavit in defense of habitability-Landlord and Tenant

    affdavit in defense of habitability-Landlord and Tenant

  • Real Estate Law Legal Document

    Order for Entry of Judgment with Issuance of Interrogatories–Landlord and Tenant

    Order for Entry of Judgment with Issuance of Interrogatories–Landlord and Tenant

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