Ex Parte Motion for Funds for Expert Assistance
An ex parte motion to ask federal district court for payment of defendants expert witness fee.
Motion for Default
Rule 55 Motion for Default. Plaintiff filed lawsuit and Defendant failed to answer. After this motion was filed the court granted a default.
Motion for Expert Assistance
A motion for expert paid for by the State
Auto Accident Personal Injury Complaint and Summons
Filed this complaint in a auto accident case in 2013
Motion to Appoint a Special Prosecutor
A Motion for appointment of special prosecutor Contains both .pdf and .docx document formats
Entry of Appearance + Objection to Modify Child Support
Defendant Rule 16 Disclosure Including Alternate Suspect
Defendant charged with Sex Assault on Child. Filed disclosures with alternate suspect defense
Motion to Consolidate Petition for Allocation of Parental Responsibilities
Motion to consolidate child support with custody in colorado
Response to Motion for Summary Judgment on Common Law Marriage Issue
A response to motion for summary judgment on Colorado common law issue.
A common law marriage is one in which the couple lives together for a period of time and holds themselves out to friends, family and the community as “being married,” but without ever going through a formal ceremony or getting a marriage license.
Verified Entry of Child Support Judgment
Verfiied Request for Entry of Child Support Judgment
Premise liability and assault Complaint
Complaint against bar owner for failure to provide a safe environment for patron as well as complaint against unknown person who assaulted client
Entry of Appearance & Motion To Continue Preliminary Hearing Set
A standard entry of appearance and motion to continue a preliminary hearing due to the attorney not being available for the hearing.
Plaintiff Response To Defendants City Motion for Summary Judgement in Title VII Case
Plaintiff response to summary judgment on a discrimination case against a city employer
Combine Motion For Reconsideration Motion For Forthwith Hearing And Emergency Interim Orders
Drafted this motion after a court granted a party interim orders taking all custody away from mom. Child was taken away from mom and she had not seen child for several weeks
Fortwith Motion
Motion for a forthwith hearing and request for change of custody. Was used on a case where mother and father were under a court order for a parenting plan, however mother was refusing father his court order parenting time. In Colorado State District Court.
Downloadable Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney
Downloadable Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney (POA) Template
It takes only minutes to fill out a ready-made, downloadable Living Will and Medical Power of Attorney. This will be provided in the form of a downloadable file that you can either print out and fill out by hand, or do the same electronically. Since this will be a group filing, each individual involved should complete a questionnaire. Don’t take the chance of potentially using an invalid document, buy a certified and reviewed document you can count on.
This document is part of the Estate Bundle which contains Living and last wills and medical power of attorney documents.
Auto Accident Lawsuit Complaint
A complaint filed in Denver District court for a rear end collision. Lawsuit was was filed in October 2019 and included a request for jury trial and request for damages. the complaint also included a loss of consortium claim for the wife. Loss of consortium is a claim used in some tort cases that allows recovery to the non injured spouse and refers to the deprivation of the benefits of a family relationship due to injuries caused by a tortfeasor or party at fault.
Guide To Colorado Unemployment Benefits
A Employee and Employer Guide to Colorado Unemployment benefits, What to expect, how to apply for unemployment benefits, Do you qualify? If you are denied, How to appeal.
Motion for Sanction and/or to dismiss for destruction of evidence
A motion filed in this case, when it was determined by the defense team that a video surveillance was not obtained by the investigators or DA until it was to late. The judge denied the motion in part but allowed defense to use the lack of obtaining the evidence in their case.
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Order Re: Family Partnership
Great decision handed down by Denver District Court judge Regarding a claim a son made against his father for his share of real estate. Son/ Plaintiff claimed there was a family partnership that owned real estate, Father/Defendant denied a partnership and claimed he owned all the real estate separate. Judge agered that there was no partnership
Substitution of Counsel
Substitution of Counsel changing from public defender to private counsel.