Estate and Probate

Estate and Probate
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    NY Certificate of Subscribing Witness

    The New York notary certificate of subscribing witness is a document with which a notary public verifies the identity of an individual who has acted as a witness for the signing of a legal instrument. A “subscribing witness” is required by living trusts and other property transfers, and they must personally know the principal signer, witness the signing of the document, and sign as witness. Can be used for other types of documents, if needed.

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    power of attorney form

    Power of Attorney Form

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    Letters of attorney or powers of attorney are written documents that authorize an individual to take care of their own affairs, represent them in business or other matters of legal significance.

    This document is part of the Estate Bundle which contains Living and last wills and medical power of attorney documents.

  • Man with mask for covid-19 protection

    Motion to Continue Jury Trial Due to COVID

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    A Motion to Continue Criminal Trial due to Concern over the pandemic.  In a case where jury pool is hard to come by, a motion to continue the jury trial until pandemic slows down and the jury pool grows.

  • Paper Money Vector

    Death Notice to Credit Bureau

    Once a person passes away, the credit bureaus should be notified that the person is no longer living in order to place a notice on the account to prevent an possible identity theft from occurring. These are three separate letters to each of the credit bureaus. They are drafted for the State of Wisconsin, but can be easily adapted for any state. The person submitting the request must include proper documentation of being a spouse or heir.

  • Estate Planning Questionnaire

    Estate Planning Questionnaire

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    Downloadable Estate Planning Questionnaire

    It takes only minutes to complete a simple survey that simplifies and eases the process of creating a trust, will, or estate plan. This is provided in the form of a downloadable file that you can either print out and fill out by hand, or do the same electronically. Regardless of singular or group filing, each individual involved should complete a questionnaire. Don’t take the chance of potentially using an invalid document, buy a certified and reviewed document you can count on.

  • Affidavit for Transfer of Property on Death of a Relative

    This form is an Affidavit required to be filled out by the surviving spouse in order to transfer martial real estate that was titled in both names as individuals, but lacked a designation. This form must accompany the actual Transfer Of Death Deed, marriage certificate and death certificate of the deceased spouse.

  • Declaration of Custodian of Records

    For use for when  authenticating business records or documents – such as local governments, vital records, medical, churches, business or organization archives etc.

  • NY Certificate of Credible Witness

    When needing an witness to validate signature of someone who marks with X or has hard time writing and signature seems to be illegible. Most commonly used for estate planning, but can be used for any contract or document. Can also be used when someone has expired ID or missing ID.

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    Will – Single/Divorced/Widowed

    This is a Last Will and Testament form that can be used by single, divorced or widowed individuals in the State of Wisconsin. It gives the estate to the decedent’s children in  equal shares and then passes to their grandchildren. The language is easily adaptable to inserting heirs that are not children of the decedent.

    Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $29.99. On Sale
  • Two Hands Icon

    Determination of Incapacity for Wisconsin – Estate & Probate Legal Document

    This form is required by Probate Court in Wisconsin when attempting to gain control over a person’s estate and/or person due to incompetence.

    Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $14.99. On Sale
  • Cemetery Icon

    Will for People Who Are Not Married but Have Children

    Whether you are divorced, widow or just single but have children. This will can protect your children and heirs to make sure your asset go to those loved ones you left behind.

    This document is part of the Estate Bundle which contains Living and last wills and medical power of attorney documents.

  • joint will

    Legal Joint Will for Married Couple No Children

    Sold By : Leonard Martinez

    Downloadable Joint Will for Married Couple without Children 

    It takes only minutes to fill out a ready-made, downloadable Joint Will (for Married Couple without children) which eases the process of creating a joint will. This will be provided in the form of a downloadable file that you can either print out and fill out by hand, or do the same electronically. Since this will be a group filing, each individual involved should complete a questionnaire. Don’t take the chance of potentially using an invalid document, buy a certified and reviewed document you can count on.

    This document is part of the Estate Bundle which contains Living and last wills and medical power of attorney documents.

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    Social Media Addendum to Living Will – Estate Law

    This addendum to the Last Will and Testament states the nomination of digital executor, the powers of digital executor, Texas affidavit, and letter of instructions.

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $19.99. On Sale
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