Divorce and Marriage

Divorce and Marriage
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    Motion to Freeze Assets

    Sold By : The Genet Law Firm

    Asset freezing is a legal process which prevents a defendant whether innocent or guilty (usually an apparent fraudster) to an action from dissipating their assets from beyond the jurisdiction of a court so as to frustrate a potential judgment. In a divorce, a court can freeze bank accounts and other marital assets.

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    Motion for Declaratory Judgment Regarding Validity of Pre-Nuptial Agreement

    Sold By : The Genet Law Firm

    Motion for Declaratory Judgment Regarding Validity of Pre-Nuptial Agreement

  • Marital settlement agreement Florida

    Downloadable Marital Settlement Agreement Florida

    Sold By : The Genet Law Firm

    Downloadable Marital Settlement Agreement (Florida)

    It takes only minutes to fill out a ready-made, downloadable Marital Settle Agreement (for Florida) which eases the process of creating this document. This will be provided in the form of a downloadable file that you can either print out and fill out by hand, or do the same electronically. All individuals involved should complete this. Don’t take the chance of potentially using an invalid document, buy a certified and reviewed document you can count on.

  • Juvenile Family Legal Documents

    Objection to Motion to Modify Maintenance

    A response filed by ex husband , when wife filed for modification of maintenance 6 years after divorce trying to increase it.

  • Legal Separation With Children Icon

    Support Order – Family Law Legal Document

    Order of the Court to pay child support, alimony, spousal support, or some other type of family maintenance. The child support order is a document from a court that states when, how often, and how much a parent is to pay for child support. The support order is usually incident to an action for divorce, legal separation or paternity, and is generally paid on a monthly basis.

  • Family Legal Documents

    Motion for Attorney Fees with Attached Affidavit-Marriage and Divorce

    Sold By : Linda Becker

    Filed a motion for attorney fees in case and in divorce case. Motion was granted

  • Motion for Scientific Paternity Testing

    Sold By : The Genet Law Firm

    Motion used to compel paternity testing to show he is or is not the biological father.

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    Prenuptial Agreement

    Sold By : Chavez Law

    This product states the agreement, which gives details on separate property, residence, earnings during the marriage, Living expenses, debt, joint property, taxes, dissolution of marriage, support, waiver of spousal support in the event of dissolution, mutual wavier of right to receive spousal support, disability, death, revocation, additional instruments, dispute resolution, attorney’s fees, full disclosure, miscellaneous provisions, certification of independent legal review, and exhibits.

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    Common Law Marriage Order

    Order by District court judge regarding common law marriage:

    Despite much belief to the contrary, the length of time you live together does not by itself determine whether a common law marriage exists. No state law or court decision says seven years or ten years of cohabitation is all that is needed for a common law marriage. It’s only one factor the court may consider.

    Marriage is the legal union of two people. Once they become married to each other, their responsibilities and rights toward one another concerning property and support are defined by the laws of the state in which they live. While a married couple may be able to modify some of the rules set up by their state, they can end their marriage only by a court granting a divorce or an annulment. Many people believe that if you live with a person for a long time you’re automatically married—that you have what is called a common law marriage, with the same rights and responsibilities of a couple who has been legally married. In most states, this is not true. In these states, marriage requires a license and ceremony.

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