Motion for Continuance Until Critical Evidence Produced


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This product is a motion for continuance in a sexual crimes case.

This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email:

What is a continuance?
In American procedural law, a continuance is the postponement of a hearing, trial, or other scheduled court proceeding at the request of either or both parties in the dispute, or by the judge sua sponte.


This product is a motion for continuance in a sexual crimes case.

This product is legally relevant in all U.S. 50 states and territories. This product comes in both .pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) formats for your convenience.

Have any questions regarding this product? Please feel free to email:

What is a continuance?
In American procedural law, a continuance is the postponement of a hearing, trial, or other scheduled court proceeding at the request of either or both parties in the dispute, or by the judge sua sponte.

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